If you’ve been searching for a way to make some money from home on the internet, then this post is for you. We’ll be looking at 12 great reasons why affiliate marketing is best for making money online from home.
This list is in no particular order of importance, but simply highlights just some of the key reasons why trying your hand at affiliate marketing is an awesome idea.
Working from home online is not just about making money either. It’s also about freedom and enjoying an all round better quality of life.
So let’s get started.
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#1 – Live the Freedom of the Laptop Lifestyle
For me personally this is one of the greatest advantages to working online doing something like affiliate marketing.
Living the laptop lifestyle doesn’t mean you have to be a traveller living a transient lifestyle. It’s all about having freedom in your life.
It means you have options like the following:
- Work from home to your own schedule
- Take your laptop to a cafe of your local park to work
- Travel and make money along the way
- Move interstate, or even overseas, and your online business seamlessly moves with you
- There are no borders or boundaries when you work online
- Choose your own work hours and enjoy lots of flexibility
- Spend more time with your loved ones
- And lots more…
In fact, the laptop lifestyle can really encompass all the reasons it’s a great idea to do affiliate marketing.
#2 – Earn Residual and Passive Income
Residual income is recurring income and passive income often is too. Basically you are creating something once and earning from it over and over again.
A good example might be writing and publishing an eBook. You write it once and sell copies of the same book over and over again. That’s a prime example of both residual and passive income at work.
Well, that’s also often the case with affiliate marketing too.
You could review a product on your website with an affiliate link to that product for sale on Amazon, for example. You might make sale after sale of that product from that one review for years to come.
You can’t earn residual and passive income with a regular job, because you’re trading time for dollars. As soon as you’re not working, you’re not earning.
It’s a totally different story online though, especially with affiliate marketing.
#3 – Affiliate Marketing Is Cheap To Get Started
This is one of the biggest advantages to becoming an affiliate. You can do this on a really low budget if you need to, and all you really need to get started is a computer, internet access, and some quality training that shows you the way.
All you’re doing as an affiliate marketer is promoting and recommending various products and services. There’s no buying and selling involved.
With other ways to make money online, such as eCommerce, you have to spend money on inventory before you can get started, and there’s a risk you might just lose money. That’s not the case when you’re an affiliate.
In the offline world, to start up any sort of business, no matter how simple and basic, you’ll easily need at least several thousand dollars in capital at the bare minimum.
#4 – Be Your Own Boss and Make the Rules
Nothing really compares to being your own boss, setting your own work schedule and being the one who makes the rules.
Many people dream of being able to fire their boss one day. If you try your hand at affiliate marketing, that dream can soon become your reality.
Being able to work from a home office (or anywhere you like) is really hard to beat. It’s yet another benefit of working online that brings the word “freedom” to mind.
And it is freedom, because you’re no longer shackled to a regular job and being told what to do and when day after day, year after year. It’s all about being able to take charge of your own life and live it on your terms.
#5 – Affiliate Marketing Is the Ultimate Online Gig For Travellers
If you love travelling, or wish you had more free time and the money to do more of it, then you’ll love affiliate marketing.
It really is an online gig that’s tailor-made for travellers.
Whether you just want to go on short trips within your own country, or you want to travel for months at a time exploring the world, your online business goes wherever you do, so you can travel and make money along the way.
Another thing to keep in mind when doing affiliate marketing online is that you’re not restricted by country borders. This means you can legally travel to other countries as a tourist, work online as an affiliate, and you’re not in breach of your visa conditions.
Affiliate marketing really is a dream business for travelling, and you can slot your work hours in around your adventures wherever you see fit.
#6 – There Are No Limits On What You Can Earn
This is one of the really key points about doing affiliate marketing: You can earn as little or as much as you like, really.
When you’re slaving away at your day job, you only earn money when you work. I mentioned this earlier and it goes back to the ability to earn residual and passive income. With most jobs, this just isn’t possible.
When you’re working online for yourself, there really is no ceiling on how much money you could potentially make. Along with passive income, there are many ways you can scale your success, including hiring people to help do the work.
This frees up your time, gives you that awesome lifestyle freedom, while at the same time your online business is expanding and so is your bank balance.
It doesn’t get any better than that!
Some affiliate marketers are pulling in 6 or 7 figure a year incomes, so it’s all possible.
#7 – Create Multiple Sources of Income As An Affiliate
If you were to talk to numerous successful people, people who you would consider wealthy or doing well financially, you would find that most of them have this one thing in common.
Their income is from multiple sources.
It’s safer than simply relying on one income stream for all your money, because if something goes wrong there, suddenly you’re left high and dry without an income. With multiple sources of income (MSIs), you’re covered if one suddenly dries up.
Also, in order to build wealth, it’s faster and easier if you have several income streams working for you. The money will be flowing in from all directions and rapidly builds up. It’s one of the not so secret “secrets to success”.
As an affiliate marketer, you’re in the perfect business to create and build multiple income streams. I’m not saying you’ll get rich, but what you will definitely do is give yourself more financial security in the long term.
#8 – No More Alarms and Going To a Day Job
Waking up to that dreaded alarm in the morning is one of the worst feelings. In fact, it feels like a real intrusion at the start of the day. Then you have to get ready and travel to work through peak hour traffic.
Now compare that scenario to starting your day as a fulltime affiliate marketer, where you crawl out of bed when you’re ready, make yourself your favourite beverage, then sit down in front of your computer to check how your business has been doing overnight.
You’re relaxed, content, and ready to commence your day on your terms.
There’s no mad rush to take a shower, put on some work clothes, and endure the frustration of traffic both to and from work each day.
Both lifestyles are world’s apart, and once you’ve got your affiliate marketing gig humming along nicely, your days will seem stress-free compared to when you worked that regular job.
Because you’re working from home, you also get to spend more time with those who matter to you most, rather than work colleagues.
#9 – Affiliate Marketing Is a Great Side Hustle
I mentioned earlier that there are marketers who are quite well off from being affiliates. Many other affiliates make a fulltime income from online marketing.
The thing is though, you don’t have to do either.
Maybe you’re just seeking a side hustle, where you can make some extra cash in your spare time to supplement your income.
Affiliate marketing offers the perfect solution for that.
There are many things you can promote as an affiliate, and numerous ways to make an extra few hundred dollars a week or a month without it consuming all your free time.
It’s not something where you’ll be making part-time cash instantly. It still takes a little while to get to that point, but once it does, much of your side hustle cash will be coming in rather passively, leaving you free to enjoy life and have extra cash at the same time.
You’ll always need to work on your business to keep it healthy, but it gets easier with time.
It’s like going to the gym to get in shape. It’s always much harder to get in shape than it is to stay in shape by maintaining what you’ve already achieved.
#10 – True Freedom Is Time AND Money
And that is the truth.
Many people have good jobs that pay them well, but they are time poor. Then there are others who seem to have a lot of spare time, but are suffering financially because of it.
The trick to living a genuine freedom lifestyle is to find a way to enjoy time and money at the same time.
Not a lot of people actually achieve this, but you can with a simple online affiliate marketing business. Time and money freedom will come if you learn how to do it right.
Once again, this ties into the laptop lifestyle theme.
Most people think they want money, and more and more of it, but what people are really craving deep down is lifestyle freedom, and you need both time and money to have that.
#11 – Make Money While You Sleep – It’s Not a Myth
For anyone who has never experienced the satisfaction of making money while they sleep, the concept may sound like a myth or a fantasy, but it’s far from it.
Millions upon millions of people across the globe make money while they sleep.
It all comes back to making passive income, as well as the fact that the internet is global. Things are happening online 24/7, every day of the year.
As an example, if you’re an affiliate marketer in Australia and lots of Americans are buying products through your recommendations, chances are you’re going to wake up in the morning and discover you’ve made some commissions overnight while peacefully asleep and blissfully unaware.
Making money while you sleep is very real, and one of the most satisfying ways to start the day.
#12 – Affiliate Marketing Is Perfect for Beginners
Anyone can do affiliate marketing and make some money if your shown how and follow a proven training blueprint. That’s the fastest route to success rather than trying to go it alone.
I mentioned earlier that all you really need to get started is internet access and a computer, and that’s true.
Something else I want to be clear on is that you don’t need tech skills. You also don’t need to be a salesperson or a talented writer.
It doesn’t even matter how old you are, as I know successful affiliates who are still teenagers, and others who are retired and in the twilight years of their lives.
If you have a desire to change your life for the better, are willing to do some training and work hard, then there’s every chance you’ll find success as an affiliate.
The Takeaway
While making money online is NOT quick and easy like the so-called “gurus” would have you believe, it’s not rocket science either. It’s really not that hard.
There are many ways you can make a few dollars online, right up to earning a 7 figure income and beyond.
Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways I’ve come across for making money online from home, and this post has covered just some of the reasons why it’s an awesome gig to get into.
When you work online, anything is possible. Ultimately it’s up to you.
If you want to learn more about affiliate marketing and how to get started with some great training that you can join for free, just hit the banner below.
Hi Darren
That was an excellent way of introducing affiliate marketing to the masses. I am very surprised that you managed to keep it down to 12, as probably you had many more. All the reasons you stated very relevant and pertinent to people, in general, looking for a career change or even a side income.
Do you feel that everybody is suitable to be an Affiliate Marketer or do you feel that it is not for everybody?
Once again, thank you for the article it was brill.
Glad you found it helpful, Antonio.
You’re right, there would be more than 12 great reasons to do affiliate marketing. Feel free to leave more in the comments here.
Anyone can do affiliate marketing, but it’s no get rich quick scheme. It takes some time and work to get going, but the payoff is worth it if people are patient and stick with it. Cheers.
Great content! I like the way you have describe to people what Market affiliates are. I do agree that working from the laptop does drive freedom. I currently work from home and for an employer. They did supply us with a mac computer but recently they brought out the bring your own device. and I fought it at first but that is because I did not know the freedom that came with the laptop. Awesome way to drive people in the link in red made me click, I was drawn to it
Thanks Gevonna. Glad you like it.