Is Master Writing Jobs a Scam or Easy $10k a Month?



Is Master Writing Jobs a scam or not? That’s a common question that’s been floating around about this freelance job platform. Master Writing Jobs promises some big money to be earned by writers, but are those promises legit, or just some sneaky sales tactics?

Let’s take a closer look at Master Writing Jobs and uncover the truth about this platform…



Is Master Writing Jobs a ScamCompany Name: Master Writing Jobs

Owner: Glen Anderson

Price To Join: $34

My Rating: 0/10



~ Master Writing Jobs Reviews ~



One of the main things I really love about the internet world is all the opportunities it’s created to make money from home in your own time. The cyber world never rests and is up and running 24/7/365. It’s a gold mine for online marketers and anyone wanting to make cash at any time of the day or night.

Because so many people go online looking for money making opportunities, unfortunately that’s led to a lot of scammers creating dodgy make money products and trying to peddle them to unsuspecting, budding entrepreneurs. We always need to be cautious and aware.

My Laptop Freedom Living website is devoted to helping people earn a legit online income. I focus a lot of the content on reviews of make money online (MMO) products, as well as any training programs that claim to teach people how to make money. These reviews help all of us make the right choices.

As a writer and a blogger, I got interested in Master Writing Jobs when I kept seeing it mentioned online. I decided to dig deeper into it, do some research and write a review on what I discovered. As I said before, it’s reviews like this that help us find the good stuff while avoiding the bad stuff.

I’m glad you found your way here and are reading my review. Chances are very low that you’ll ever fall for a scam, because you do your homework first.

Let’s now see how Master Writing Jobs measures up overall.


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I’ve Been a Freelance Writer for Years

I’ve been a freelance writer in a number of forms for most of my life, so I know a fair bit about it. I’m also very aware of the various “job” platforms that are out there in the internet world.

I hadn’t previously heard of Master Writing Jobs before, so this was a new one on me and I wanted to check it out. Not so much as a way for me to find some writing gigs, but more out of curiosity than anything.

You see, these days I focus my writing skills on creating content for my own websites, although I do still have a couple of regular clients I write some content for on a very casual basis.

If you like writing, maybe you might want to try your hand at starting a very simple affiliate marketing business?

The financial rewards are often far greater than anything you’ll make as a freelance writer. It’s really easy to get started when you follow the training over at Wealthy Affiliate. You can even join up for FREE!


Is Master Writing Jobs a Scam


What Is Master Writing Jobs About?

Many people these days are looking for ways to earn from home, and many people also consider themselves to have some writing skills. That’s why there are so many job platforms online for freelancers.

Master Writing Jobs claims to be one of these platforms, similar to places like Fiverr, Upwork, Contena and so on. Too many to name here.

The Master Writing Jobs platform was allegedly created by a guy named Glen Anderson, although some people doubt that’s even a real name. Anyway, Glen claims that members of the platform are earning figures ranging from $2000 a month and up to as high as $10,000 a month.

That’s pretty big money from freelance writing. I’ve never even gone anywhere near close to earning 5 figures in a single month. About half that is the best I’ve done, and that’s privately. I couldn’t imagine that kind of money being possible on a content mill type of site, which is what this one is.

On content mills like Upwork, generally you make really poor rates due to the competitive nature of the sites, and the fact that people are trying to outbid one another in a race to the bottom.

There’s another rather ridiculous claim that’s made on the website, and that’s to say that you’ll receive your first payment within 30 minutes of joining the site.

I mean, how the hell is that going to be possible?

First you have to become a member of the site and spend time filling out your profile and stuff. Then you need to troll the available jobs and submit proposals and wait for a reply. Then you have to get accepted, write the content, submit it, likely have to do an edit or two, submit it again, await approval, and then await payment.

That’s not gonna happen in 30 minutes, so there’s a big lie there right from the start.

This is followed up by another claim I find very hard to believe in my years of experience, and that’s where they say clients regularly pay something like $125 for an easy and short 500 word blog post or article.

I’m not saying that amount is impossible, just highly unlikely on any content mill site like this one.

Statements like these are just a bunch of hype to get you to join.

Like I said before, if you want to earn really good money from your writing, then do what I do. Click here to learn how to get started.


How Master Writing Jobs Really Works

Okay, this is the basic process.

When you pay and join this platform, you’re under the impression that you’ll have access to a bunch of advertised writing jobs.

By the way, sites like Upwork and co don’t charge writers joining fees. They take a cut of the action instead. For some reason Master Writing Jobs wants to charge writers to join.

You’ll see why in a second.

Okay, so now you’re officially a member of the platform.

Question: But where are the jobs I can apply for?

Answer: There aren’t any. It’s all a con to hook you in and get your money.

Master Writing Jobs Blogging eBookOnce you’ve paid the joining fee, all you’re presented with is a 41 page eBook that explains how you can get started as a blogger and how to make money from writing a blog.

Okay, I make money from blogging, but that’s not what Master Writing Jobs is supposed to be about. It’s supposed to be a writer’s job board, so freelancers can land paying writing gigs, not learning about blogging.

Besides, the information in the book – which is likely just rehashed PLR content anyway – is so basic and generic that you can easily find all this information for free in a Google search.

Some of the information and SEO tactics in the eBook are outdated anyway.

Next up we are offered some bonuses.

Say what?

I’m here to find some writing jobs, not read an eBook on blogging or scroll through a bunch of bonuses.

This is just more rehashed PLR content that teaches people how to sell on Amazon, eBay and other stuff. Nothing at all to do with landing jobs as a freelance writer.

This is just one giant scam!

Copy how I make $1000s a  month online instead!


The Fake “Limited Positions” Tactic

I see this used so much it’s not funny. So many schemes claim they only have limited positions available, and Master Writing Jobs uses this tactic as well.

Ignore crap like this. It’s just a ploy to get people to hurry up and take action. And in the case of this dodgy site, they don’t want people taking the time to do any research on them, otherwise you won’t join.

They want your money and they want it now!


Fabricated Testimonials

The website is loaded up with fake testimonials. When you view enough make money sites and write reviews and so on, you start to recognise the signs of fake stuff, as well as the faces they use in the videos and written testimonials.

Master Writing Jobs has fabricated all of its glowing testimonials that give praise to the platform. The images they’ve used have been taken from stock photography sites.

The reason they’ve faked them is because their platform is bogus, so they don’t have any legit reviews to use. But they still want positive testimonials because they know it helps convince people to part with their money and join up.

As you can see in the screenshot below, the same stock photo has been used for numerous promotions of different offers.


Master Writing Jobs Fake testimonials


Fake “Limited Time Offer”

If you go through to the checkout page, they offer you a discount price of $34 for a limited time.

This is all BS though. You can visit that checkout page at any time and the price will always be $34.


There Are Loads of Complaints About Master Writing Jobs

A quick Google search will bring up listings where you can find online complaints about this complete fraud of a website.

The BBB website alone has a total of 61 complaints as at the time of writing this review.

It’s far from being the only site where complaints about Master Writing Jobs have been lodged, either.


Master Writing Jobs Complaints

Master Writing Jobs BBB


Target Market

This is obviously aimed at writers who are looking for another platform where they can find some regular writing gigs. Master Writing Jobs talks up the amount you can earn through their site, hoping to snare people and profit out of them by charging a joining fee.


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What I Like

  • There is absolutely nothing for me to like about this obvious scam!


What I Don’t Like and Red Flags

  • They don’t honour their supposed 60 money back guarantee
  • The internet is full of complaints about this website
  • Bait and switch tactics have been used to get people to join
  • Making money within 30 minutes of joining is a big lie
  • There’s no way for anyone to earn the promised $2k to $10k a month
  • There are no writing jobs as advertised. It’s all a con
  • The owner of the site is likely just an alias
  • The testimonials are all fake
  • The limited positions scarcity ploy is fake
  • The limited time offer is fake
  • The generic 41 page eBook about blogging they give you when you join is pretty worthless and likely just PLR content anyway
  • The bonus material is just as worthless
  • This whole thing is way over-hyped


How Much Does Master Writing Jobs Cost To Join?

They say it’s a limited time offer, but the price to join always remains at $34.

You don’t get what you’re expecting to get for your money. Instead you get offered a bunch of rather useless bonuses that you didn’t sign up for.

This place is just stealing your money by promising one thing and delivering something else entirely.


Is Master Writing Jobs a Scam Or Legit?

Yep, yep, yep! Scam, scam, scam!

If I could convincingly label anything an outright scam, then Master Writing Jobs definitely is one without a shadow of a doubt.

They deliver nothing except a bunch of junk PLR bonuses that nobody who signs up wants.

Writers want the promised writing jobs, but there are none. It’s all just one big con to steal peoples’ money and nothing more than that.

Don’t join, and tell all your writer friends to steer well clear of this website.


Wanna Make Money From Your Writing? Then Copy What I Do!

Lifestyle FreedomUnfortunately Master Writing Jobs is not something that’s going to make anyone any money, but if you like writing and really want to find a way to make great money with it, then do what I do and start a very simple affiliate marketing gig online.

It’s actually pretty easy to get started and up and running when you follow a proven training blueprint like I did.

Millions of others all over the world also make great money as affiliates. You don’t need money to get started, and you can run this basic business on a shoestring budget if you have to. Most of what you earn is pure profit.

Some people just want to earn a bit of extra money on the side to pay bills, save for a vacation or whatever. Others, like myself, quit working for a boss and do our own thing online from home. I know some affiliates who generate over 7 figures a year in commissions!

The potential is massive!

Unlike most regular jobs where you are simply swapping time for money, the online world is entirely different. Here there are no limits placed on your income earning potential. That’s why you can earn big money.

After a while a lot of your income will be passive too, and you’ll build up multiple sources of income. This leads to more financial security, as well as the lifestyle freedom that having both money AND time can provide.

There’s no point just dreaming about this kind of life though. You have to be actively working on something that can make it a reality.

Affiliate marketing creates this reality. It has for me.

If you can spare about 5 minutes or so, then click on the banner down below and have a read of my make money online guide.


Make Real Money Online.


To help people understand just how simple affiliate marketing is, the first half of my guide is devoted to explaining the process, how people make money with it, and also some of the many advantages there are to having your own online gig from home.

For the second half I spend a little bit of time recommending some really awesome and easy to follow training. I did this training. I know it works. I’m also still an active member of the community there. Put your credit cards away because you can actually join for FREE!

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