Is Purium a Scam or a Way To Health and Wealth?



Is Purium a scam or not? The internet seems to be full of mixed reviews about this health and wellness MLM, its products and the associated business opportunity. So what’s the real truth then? Is Purium worth getting on board with or not?

Read on to find out more about the Purium MLM scheme and business opportunity….



Purium Is a ScamCompany Name: Purium

Founder: David Sandoval

Price To Join: $49 To Start

My Rating: 4/10



~ Purium Reviews ~



Everywhere you look these days there seems to be another MLM company selling some form of health and wellness products. It’s gotta be the most over-saturated niche by far when it comes to network marketing companies.

If you like MLM opportunities then there are a lot of options, but on the minus side that also spells a lot of competition.

MLM seems to be becoming the preferred distribution method instead of retail

Very recently Purium and their health products came to my attention. I was asked if I was interested in joining (I wasn’t), but it got me interested enough to do some research on Purium and write a review on what I found out about it.

I made this website as a way to help people find legit ways to make money online, for the most part. That’s the reason why there are so many product reviews written about make money online (MMO) products, MLM schemes and training programs. These reviews help us make the best choices.

The internet has opened up so many doors to countless opportunities when it comes to earning options, and that’s what I love about it so much. We also get to access a global market any time of the night or day.

The obvious downside is the internet has attracted a lot of scammers who are looking to take advantage of anyone trying to find ways to make money online from home. We always need to keep our eyes open to avoid the scams.

Congrats on finding your way here to my review. It proves you’re smart and do your homework, rather than just blindly joining something. That’s the best way to find the good stuff and avoid the bad.

Let’s now see how Purium measures up and whether it’s worth joining or not.


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What Is Purium About?

As I said, this is yet another MLM company selling products in the mega popular health and wellness niche. The company kicked off back in 2004 and was started by a man named David Sandoval. He is a wellness expert and even wrote a popular book titled “The Green Foods Bible”.

This is the Purium company’s mission statement…

“We want to help you eat better, age more gracefully and live longer”

That’s a pretty decent mission statement, summed up briefly in just 13 words. What they’re mostly about is combatting the pollution and toxins found in our food, and their range of products and health supplements is designed to do that.

Many foods on the market today are so highly processed they’re barely even real food anymore. They are more like genetically engineered food substitutes.

Likely it has a lot to do with the types of foods we eat today that has led to the more recent proliferation of allergies, asthma, obesity and possibly even cancer.

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Purium Is a Scam


Purium Products

You can get more details on the product line for Purium by visiting their website. I won’t go into them too much here, as this review is more about the business side of Purium and whether you can make some decent cash with it.

The flagship Purium product is called the “10 Day Transformation Plan”. It’s all about weight loss that is healthy, and they make the claim that you can actually see results within just one day.

That’s a pretty major claim, and the claims go a step further, stating you’ll lose between 5 and 20 pounds in just 10 short days. Apparently with this plan you can even build muscle without exercise.

Maybe that last statement’s possible to a point, but it’s a lot easier and quicker to build muscle when you do exercise. And if you’re trying to lose weight and want to build muscle and muscle tone, why wouldn’t you want to do some exercise anyway?

So besides the 10 Day Transformation Plan, what other products does Purium have for us?

Let’s have a look at the categories:

  1. Cleansing – This category is all about products to use for detoxing.
  2. Weight Loss – This is shakes, meal replacements and supplements all designed to help people lose body fat.
  3. Performance – This is enhancement for athletes in the form of products that boost energy levels and endurance.
  4. Family – This product line is designed specifically for children’s health and nutrition.
  5. Rejuvenate – Problems with the joints, heart, hair, skin and so on? Then these supplements and products will help with these conditions.

The products are very expensive in my opinion. For example, just 30 servings of Power Shake costs almost 100 bucks!

In the next section we’ll look at why the prices are so high.


Purium Products


Why Are MLM Products Usually So Expensive?

Despite what the companies and distributors might tell you, the main reason why network marketing products are so expensive is because of the way these companies compensate their members.

The whole idea of the MLM structure is to create downlines and build teams. It’s because of these downlines and all these small commissions and bonuses being paid out right up to the top that the prices of products are so high, in some cases extremely so.

High prices are required to cover all these “costs” (commissions), and the company also needs to make a profit after all that.

Of course, no one tells you the truth when you query the prices. How can they? It would just sound like you’re being ripped off on price.

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The Purium Compensation Plan

With any MLM scheme, apart from bonuses, there are two main ways that members can earn income, and they are:

  1. By selling the products to others
  2. Building sales teams through recruiting

When it comes to selling the products directly, you can earn profit margins that range from 15% and up to 45%. That’s actually pretty good. Likewise, when you buy any products for yourself, naturally get to purchase them at a reduced rate as well.

Selling the products is okay, but the real secret to success with any network marketing scheme comes with consistent recruitment. It’s when you build your sales teams through creating downlines that you have a chance to sell enough team volume to earn bonuses and move up those company ranks.

You see, in order to be able to earn a decent income with Purium or any other MLM, you first have to achieve a fairly high rank. Languishing down the bottom 3 or 4 rank levels won’t get you there. You need to be as near the very top as possible.

Let’s list some of the bonuses you can shoot for:

  • First Order Bonus
  • Infinity Bonus
  • Matching Bonus
  • Rank Achievement Bonus
  • Lifestyle Bonus

There are a total of 17 ranks you can achieve in the Purium business. See the screenshot below taken from the Purium compensation plan PDF. You can read the full PDF here.


Purium Ranks


To help explain the compensation plan even further, I’ve embedded the official explainer video below.



Purium Income Disclosure Statement

By law MLM companies should have their most recent income disclosure statement on their websites, readily available for viewing. This gives people an idea of what members are actually earning at certain levels.

Unfortunately I couldn’t find one on the Purium website, but I did manage to dig one up for the 2015 year online.

In 2015, the average income for Associates – those at the lowest level – was only a tick above $500 for the whole year, and that’s before any expenses are taken into account.

In fact, you had to go all the way up to Green Diamond, which is 7th up from the bottom in the rankings to see average incomes that might be considered liveable incomes. And this level is comprised of only 0.16% of all Purium members.


Purium Compensation Disclosure


The MLM Business Opportunity and Why I Don’t Like It

In the past I’ve been involved in MLM schemes, but these days I know better and seriously wouldn’t waste my time on them. I believe it’s one of the hardest ways to make money.

In this section I’ll explain why, and give the reasons why I’m not a fan of the MLM business model.

MLM companies get all the advantages you see. That’s why they go the MLM route. On the flipside, the distributors (or Associates in the case of Purium), get hardly any benefits whatsoever.

MLM companies amass giant workforces that all work for free. No wages, salary or even a retainer. If these companies went the retail route, they’ve be paying out loads of cash on employees and so on. Instead, these businesses get armies of workers all doing it in the hope of getting a commission or maybe earning a bonus.

It’s also the distributors that do all the promoting and marketing, buying and selling of products, so the company saves stacks of cash there as well. Distributors also cover all their own expenses and even have to pay the company for the right to work for them for free!

Basically as a distributor you are working as an unpaid sales rep and nothing more than that. You really get no advantages or benefits at all.

From a distributor’s point of view, this deal totally sucks if you really think about it.

MLM is designed to make people need to get out there and recruit new members. Otherwise you just can’t get anywhere within the company. Because of this the company gets expanded exponentially by the distributors, ensuring continued growth and influx of new member dollars.

So Purium is getting a fantastic deal out of all this, but it’s really the exact opposite for its massive workforce. It’s smart business for Purium, so why wouldn’t they go the MLM way?

If you ever go along to one of their official events or recruitment drives, they’ll hype the hell out of the business opportunity, telling you how you’ll soon be living the lifestyle of a wealthy person. Now while that’s not impossible, less than 1% of all Purium members ever reach such a level.

It’s also claimed that you’ll get to own your own business if you join, but you won’t. The company never relinquishes any control and you actually own nothing except any products you purchase. You’re just a rep and can’t sell any asset you’ve built up.

Often MLM companies will also enforce a minimum monthly product purchase amount for distributors to remain eligible to earn commissions and bonuses. What this does is actually make the workforce also the main customer base.

That sucks in my opinion.

It’s seriously one of the worst deals there is if the plan is to make money.

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Is Purium An Illegal Pyramid Scheme?

Many MLM companies get accused of being illegal pyramid schemes because they use the pyramid style of compensation structure.

This just isn’t true in most cases though. Yes, I don’t like MLM, but I’ll still be fair and honest.

An illegal pyramid scheme is a naked one, where everything relies on recruiting new members and their money to keep the scheme going. Naked pyramids have no real products. It’s all about new member investment.

As Purium has loads of real products and doesn’t rely solely on new recruits to survive, the company can’t be classed as an illegal pyramid operation.


Target Market

The main reason why MLM is so popular is because everything is set up and ready to roll. People join because they want to start a simple business that doesn’t require them to build a business structure or create products. Just buy in and get going.

The problem is that you never do own your own business with Purium and never will. It would be more profitable to look for a simple part-time job than to try and make decent money with this without burning yourself out in the process.

The big push is in recruiting, and many people don’t realise just how hard this part of the process actually is.


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What I Like

  • The company has been around since 2004
  • The commissions on sales are quite decent
  • Gift cards are used to help with recruitment
  • The products seem to be very well received, despite their high prices
  • They have a 60 day refund policy on most of their products

Purium Gift Card

What I Don’t Like and Red Flags

  • The products are mega expensive
  • MLM is a really tough way to make a decent income
  • More than 99% of members made $2400 or less for the 2015 year, and that’s before expenses
  • All the benefits go to the company and are taken away from its workforce
  • You are nothing but an unpaid sales rep in MLM and you never actually own your own business
  • There have been numerous reports of side effects from the products
  • They don’t display a recent income disclosure on their website
  • The health and wellness niche has been done to death and is super competitive


How Much Does Purium Cost To Join?

You can get started on the business side by investing $49 for the Purium Basic Pack, which gives you very minimal product and materials with which to begin. Ideally you’ll want to purchase one of the more expensive starter kits.

It’ll be hard to sell any products or encourage people to join the business with the purchase of a Basic Pack only.

You can also get a replica Purium website, but the company wants to charge $150 a year for hosting, and a replica website isn’t much use if you’re hoping to get free search engine traffic. You’ll get very little if any love from Google with a cloned website.


Is Purium a Scam Or Legit?

I don’t think Purium is a scam at all. It’s just your typical MLM deal where all the advantages are slanted in the company’s favour and the products are way over-priced.

They have a fairly decent profit margin for sellers, but you really need to become a recruiting maniac to get anywhere with this.

There are far better, easier and more profitable ways to spend your time.

This Is How I Make My Living Online!

Lifestyle FreedomAs I mentioned earlier, I’ve done MLM in the past, but these days I won’t touch it. I much prefer the simplicity of affiliate marketing over multi level marketing. Plus, you can get started with virtually no money and you don’t really need money to run an affiliate gig online.

The fastest path to success with it is to get some quality training that shows you the way.

Unlike MLM, there is no buying and selling of products with affiliate marketing. There are no joining fees to be an affiliate. You don’t have to purchase any products monthly to remain eligible to earn. You don’t need to harass anyone to recruit them.

There’s none of that MLM stuff to deal with.

On the internet there are no boundaries restricting how much you can earn, unlike with most regular jobs. You also naturally build up numerous streams of passive income. This gives you more security financially, as well as enabling you to live a freedom lifestyle where you have money and time together.

If you have a few more minutes you can spare, then click the banner below and have a read of my make money online from home guide.


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Not everyone knows the process when it comes to affiliate marketing, what it’s about and how you go about earning money with it, so I cover this at the start of the guide. Because there are so many benefits to having an online gig from home, I talk about a few of these as well.

To help you get started and on the right track, the second part of the guide goes over the really good training I recommend. I also did this training and I know how well it works when you follow it. There’s no need to get the credit card out because it’s FREE to join!

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