14 thoughts on “Wealthy Affiliate Reviews – Your Top Affiliate Marketing Guide”

  1. Wow…this is a very thorough and detailed explanation of a great program. Wealthy Affiliate has given me confidence in how to become self-sufficient.

    I am not able to work outside of the home anymore, so this works perfectly for my health and schedule. I know there is much to learn, but also know that a serious person will go onto make it successfully.

    I’ve seen a person as young as 16 be dedicated to WA and make it to go on to become a well off person. He’s been doing it for a few years as well. I am thinking of getting my 17 year old into this as well.

    Thanks for a great write up.

    • Thanks for stopping by. It sounds like you and everyone you know are already on the path to online success. And yes, some people who are still quite young have done really well with internet businesses.

      Keep up the great work and blessings for the future!

  2. Hi and thanks for this great review. I agree that you will need to have the right platform to help guide and coach you in order to have the best chances at success. Also how they have such great features like the security and site manager is amazing. I would ask what do you feel is a reasonable time frame to start seeing results? Love the hear your thoughts, thanks, Kenny 

    • Hi kenny,


      Thanks for stopping by and reading my Wealthy Affiliate review, and guide to affiliate marketing.

      Yep, finding the right platform to lend you support and show you the ropes is everything. It can be hard to find the path to success when simply going it alone.

      With regards to your question about timeframes for seeing results, that can be a tough one to answer as it can depend on so many things, so many variables.

      One thing I will say is this: Anyone who is seriously wanting to make money online – long-term – needs to be patient. Affiliate marketing, and actually most ways of making money online, are not get rich quick schemes. You won’t see instant results. You’re betting off joining an online gambling site if you hope to have a chance to make money instantly (not that I really recommend that).

      With affiliate amrketing and what Wealthy Affiliate teach, some people see positive signs within the first few weeks, but typically it’ll be 3 month sor more of learning and effort before anyone can realistically expect to start seeing the fruit of their labour.

      Having said that, this is a long-term thing, so a few months really means nothing in the overall scheme of things, because this business grows and grows and can be making you residual and passive income for many years to come.

      I live the laptop lifestule, so I’m living proof that it works and is worth it!

  3. Darren, thank you for such a thorough information about making money online. As an affiliate marketer myself, living your life with freedom is what resonates with me the most. I think a lot of times so many people are stuck on jobs that they don’t like because they feel that they don’t have a way to get out. They are dependent on the finances that they make so the become trapped. And those that want to branch out don’t have enough grit to stick through. What recommendations would you give someone who has been wanting a life of freedom but aren’t able to do it? 

    • Thanks for stopping by and leaving your positive comments.

      I’d recommend starting out just doing something on the side, not putting too much pressure on themselves. Say it was affiliate marketing, or doing the training at Wealthy Affiliate, just start out allocating 5-10 hours a week, something that’s manageable and doesn’t interfere with current commitments. As things build and money starts to come in, then they might be able to scale back their other job to part-time work and put more hours into their online business, ultimately going fulltime form home.

      Patience is important, becaus eit will take time to transition from one lifestyle to the new “preferred” lifestyle. But it’s all worth it.

  4. Hi Darren,

    Great website, great post. Very informative, your graph on categories is  really good and if looking for niches a great reference.

    I would love to know more about your e-books, perhaps a post regarding collating and producing  would be fantastic in another post.

    Lots of information given here. Thank you, really excellent. Wealthy Affiliate sounds great!


    • Thanks for all your kind words, Michele.

      I’ll keep the eBook post in mind for down the track.

      Yep, you should look into the Wealthy Affiliate platform if you want some really easy to follow training that shows you how to make money online in a step by step format. You can do it all at your own pace too.

  5. I used to make money with eBay and became a powerseller.  However, it got old after awhile.  Packaging and mailing out products daily.  At one time I was packaging 20-30 products a day.

    You made a smart move in joining Wealthy Affiliate.  It’s truly great.  I have been there since 2008.

    However, it does take a lot of work.   I remember struggling in the beginning years.  But, as I got more experience I stopped struggling and really enjoy the entire process of developing a website and making money online.

    What advice do you have for those that are getting started in affiliate marketing?   Have you made any mistakes or anything that others need to be warned to avoid?  

    • You’ve been a WA member since 2008! That’s a long time Garen.

      In answer to your question, I’ve made a number of mistakes, one of the biggest being in too much of a rush churning out content rather than taking more time and creating quality.

      Affiliate marketing isn’t a get rich quick scheme, so I think the biggest piece of advice I could give to newcomers is to have patience and know that in time the rewards will come and they will snow ball.

      Too many people quit too early because they’re expecting instant results. It doesn’t work that way. At first it’ll look like nothing’s happening, but after a few months it all really starts to accelerate.

  6. Hi Darren. What an impressive post about the EXACT STEPS TO MAKING MONEY ONLINE!  You are right in every point you are talking about.

     My way in online money making story is a bit the same as yours. I began about in 2007 and on the August of 2015 join Wealthy Affiliate company. Just, you said that never fallen in the scam traps, but I was involved in some of these. I consider it as learning stage and what could teach you more than losing your hard earned money.

     Great article and wish you the next holiday flight to the Bora Bora. 

    • Bora Bora sounds like it would be totally awesome, Andrejs. Is that where you’re from?

      Yep your journey does sound a bit similar to mine. Sorry to hear to got caught up in some scams. It happens to a lot of people. Hopefully my website and the reviews I write helps people avoid at least some of those scams out there.

      Thanks for stopping by and leaving your kind words. Cheers.


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