Seven Figure Formula Review – Get Rich With Penny Stocks?



A lot of people were asking questions about this online, so I decided to look into it for myself and see what it’s all about. In this Seven Figure Formula review we’ll be discovering whether it’s a scam or a legit method of making the kind of money they promise.

Just before we launch right into things, I just want to say congrats for being here and reading my review. It shows that you’re one of the smart people. You very likely won’t ever get scammed or waste your time on something because you do your research first.

Now read on to discover the truth about the Seven Figure Formula…



Seven Figure Formula ReviewCompany Name: Seven Figure Formula

Owner: Greg Guenthner

Price To Join: $49

My Rating: 5/10



~ Seven Figure Formula Review ~



I’ve been making a fulltime income on the internet for quite a few years now. Being able to do my own thing from home has been a dream of mine since I first ever discovered you could make money online. Now I live that dream and enjoy total lifestyle freedom.

Many millions of others across the globe make a living online as well. Plus, every single day more and more people are venturing online in search of opportunities.

The flipside is that many scammers also float around the internet, knowing how popular it is with income seekers. They invent dodgy schemes that sound awesome, but usually just suck you dry of your money and make the scammers rich. We need to stay aware of that at all times.

Reading reviews of training platforms and make money schemes is the best way to avoid scams and find the good stuff. It’s the reason I write so many reviews on my site here. I built this site to help people find legit money making options.

There was a lot of talk happening online in certain circles about Seven Figure Formula, so it sounded like the perfect scheme to look into and write an honest review on.

So let’s get into the Seven Figure Formula review and see what the truth really is.


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What Is Seven Figure Formula About?

The first thing you’ll notice when you visit the webpage for Seven Figure Formula is a lot of sales hype. I mean, that’s pretty common for this sort of thing, but you become immune to all the hyped up promises of big money after a while.

I do anyway. I still notice it, but I don’t necessarily believe any of it.

The Seven Figure Formula is a financial/trading newsletter brought to us by an online publisher known as Agora Financial.

This publisher is actually quite well known in certain circles online, but not necessarily for all the right reasons. In fact, there are a lot of negative reviews and feedback about Agora if you do a search.

They’ve been accused of distributing newsletters that don’t live up to their hype, as well as conducting rather deceptive business practices.

In recent times I’ve researched and reviewed a few Agora newsletters, and they include:

  1. Congressional Checks
  2. Ultimate Retirement Loophole
  3. Fast Fortune Club

Personally I haven’t rated any of the 3 above very highly. They’re “not bad”, but all have been sold on major hype and actually by making it sound like something completely different is on offer.

So is Severn Figure Formula any better?

We’ll soon see.

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How Does Seven Figure Formula Really Work?

This is all about investment advice and making big money from trading penny stocks. Greg Guenthner and the team claim to have developed what they are calling a “secret formula” (lost count of the number of times I’ve heard that now) that is destined to reward investors with a 7 figure income or return on investment.

That’s one hell of a statement. 7 figures.

These guys even say they’ve developed a computer program called “Factor 148”, which predicts future trading environments and can, somewhat accurately, tell investors what to invest in and when to do it.

There are lots of automated trading programs out there, whether they be for stocks, Forex or binary options, and there is also software known as an “EA” or “expert advisor”. These read trading signals and tell you when to trade, or can even be programmed to place a trade on your behalf when all the predetermined signals match up.

What the team at Seven Figure Formula has devised is some software that signals when it’s a good time to trade on a particular stock.


Seven Figure Formula Review


So Who Is Greg Guenthner?

Greg is a bit of a trading expert and somewhat of a tech head. Along with overseeing the Seven Figure Formula newsletter and Factor 148 trading software, he’s also the editor of Profit Spy and The Rude Awakening.

Greg has also been featured in Forbes, Bankrate, Yahoo Finance and many other publications and websites.

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What’s In the Newsletter?

Okay, so this is mostly about the newsletter that’s published monthly by Agora Financial, and which Greg Guenthner edits and overseas, as well as contributes to.

In order to receive the newsletter, you must become a paid subscriber and buy at least a 12 month subscription. It’s not a freebie like many other newsletters you might receive regularly in your chosen email inbox.

Let’s see what comes with the Seven Figure Formula package.


Monthly Newsletter Report

Each month one or more penny stocks will be recommended to newsletter subscribers. We can assume the predictions are likely based on what the Factor 148 software program is suggesting as it monitors trading signals.

Apparently they only recommend a penny stock that they think has a very good chance of increasing in value by at least 100% or more over the course of a year.


Updates Weekly

This is all about receiving some progress reports regarding the recommended penny stocks, rather than needing to wait a full month for the next newsletter.


How Factor 148 Works

This is kind of like a mini training, where you receive a more detailed explanation of how their software trading predictor software works and what it does. You’ll learn just why Greg and the team believe it’s so effective.


Text Messages and Emails

These will involve more urgent updates about buying and selling stocks, stuff that needs to be acted upon quickly and just can’t wait.


Member’s Area

Gain exclusive access to the member’s region of the website, where you’ll learn more tips and hints, as well as gain access to further training. You even get to mingle with other investors, bounce ideas off one another and become a better trader.


Target Market

With some of the other newsletters distributed by people who work for Agora Financial, they create some fictional money making scheme to first hook people in, then switch them to the investment newsletter idea, which is kind of a strange way to sell something.

It’s refreshing to see that they haven’t really tried to do that with Seven Figure Formula. Everything is a lot more transparent with a lot less BS, except for maybe the statement about easily making 7 figures from trading penny stocks.

There is a lot of hype here, and I’m not too sure how accurately the Factor 148 software can predict the best trades and trading environments, but it’s a lot more level headed than some of the other Agora newsletter schemes.

At least they are targeting traders and investors right from the start. Not offering some fictional story about easy government money and then offering an investment newsletter subscription.


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What I Do Like

  • The newsletter and associated materials is reasonably priced
  • Some of the advice on investing in penny stocks could prove to be useful and successful


What I Don’t Like and Red Flags

  • There is a lot of hype surrounding this and anything Agora Financial puts out
  • Agora has a very poor reputation online, with many negative reviews about the company
  • To me it sounds like they’re claiming their Factor 148 software program is a lot more accurate than what it’ll likely be in reality
  • The 600% profit that they claim you’ll get on some of your trades sounds a bit far-fetched (but not impossible)
  • Many people complain that the suggestions for trading and investment supplied in these newsletters is very poor and not generally profitable at all


Agora Financial BBB


How Much Does the Seven Figure Formula Scheme Cost?

There are actually 3 different packages you can buy when you subscribe to the Seven Figure Formula newsletter and investment system. Let’s briefly go over them:

  1. Silver Membership = $49 per year – this gives you online access to the newsletter for 12 months, along with the weekly updates and member’s area access.
  2. Gold Membership = $89 per year – This includes everything in Silver, plus you get hard copy versions of the newsletter.
  3. Platinum Membership = $99 per year – I’m actually not too sure what you get with the Platinum Membership that’s any different to the Gold Membership.

I think all you need here is the Silver Membership if you were going to subscribe. Like I said, I’m not sure what’s extra in the Platinum Membership, and Gold just means getting a paper copy of the newsletter sent to your mailbox. Do you really need that for almost double the price?


Is Seven Figure Formula a Scam or Legit?

I don’t really see any scam going on here at all. Whether the newsletter and the software can accurately predict good trades or not is debateable.

Probably my biggest issue with this one is the fact that it’s published by rather dodgy Agora Financial. Apart from deceptive sale techniques, they’re also renowned for offering somewhat misleading investment advice.

At the end of the day though, no one can really predict what stocks are going to do with complete accuracy. No matter what you’re trading on or how good you are at it, not every trade is going to be a winner. That’s just the nature of trading.

I doubt that their Factor 148 software can accurately determine trades that generate between 100% and 600% returns on a regular basis. That sounds over the top to me.

There’s probably some value in this newsletter, and this offer seems a lot more realistic and transparent than some of the other trash Agora has spieled, so overall I think Seven Figure Formula is a step up from Agora’s other newsletter offers.


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