Is a Scam? It’s Not What They Say It Is



Is a scam website or a cool way to earn money by testing apps? People have been asking questions about Appcoiner, so I wanted to take a look at it myself. Is their claim of getting paid to test apps legit, or is this program something else altogether?

Read on to find out the truth about Appcoiner….



Is a ScamCompany Name: Appcoiner

Owner: Unknown

Price To Join: $27 + Upsells

My Rating: 2.5/10



~ AppCoiner Reviews ~



These days there are so many ways and opportunities to make some money online from home, and it’s all thanks to the internet. I know I love it, because I’ve been making a living online since 2010 now and wouldn’t have things any other way.

Appcoiner caught my attention because it sounds like an easy way to make some cash from home. So many people seemed to be asking questions online about it that I felt compelled to look into it and write a review detailing what I found out.

On my website I largely focus on writing product reviews for make money programs and training platforms. This way we can all know what’s worth getting into and what’s not.

It’s a good thing you’re here reading my review of, because it means you are far less likely to ever get scammed online. You do your homework, and that’s wise.

There is some great stuff online, but a lot of dodgy stuff as well.

Let’s see how Appcoiner fares in the good and bad stakes.


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What Is Appcoiner?

Apps for smartphones and tablets have been popular for quite a number of years now, and that popularity is always on the increase.

For app developers to stand out in a saturated and highly competitive marketplace, they need their apps to be exceptional, user-friendly and worth buying. To achieve this desired end goal, these developers need beta testers to offer feedback on the apps so they can be further refined and perfected.

This is what Appcoiner says it’s offering: The opportunity for everyday people like you and I to get paid to test apps and submit our findings.

This is the general concept of Appcoiner.


Is a Scam


It actually goes a step further than this, though. Whether someone is writing books, creating music or building apps, user reviews play a huge role in purchasing decisions. These app developers need positive reviews for their apps on places like Apple’s App Store to stand out from the crowd and gain a purchaser’s trust.

When you test apps for Appcoiner, you write up a review to be posted on the app’s sales page, giving the app developer a much needed boost and a better chance at getting sales of the app, or even free downloads.

The Appcoiner website exists to help match up app developers with app reviewers. They get paid by developers, take a cut of the action and give us the rest.

That’s how they make it out to work anyway, but this is not really what it appears to be.

We’ll delve more into the reasons why I say that in a moment, but let’s first take a look at the alleged process if you were to buy into Appcoiner.

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How Appcoiner Works

The site makes out like they have app testing jobs available. You pay Appcoiner for the right to access their website and the jobs, then they pay you when you test apps and write reviews.

There are 3 basic and simple steps to take after joining:

  1. Choose an app you would like to test out
  2. Write your review after using the chosen app
  3. Get paid for your time and effort


Appcoiner Steps


Sounds pretty simple, hey.

They even go on to state that you’ll receive anywhere from $5 to $30 per app you test and review.

That might not sound like a lot of money, but it does sound more profitable and infinitely more interesting than doing something like paid surveys online.

The website even provides a handy little calculator so you can work out just how much money you can make per day reviewing apps.

So far this all sounds pretty cool and a rather simple way to make some money from home in your spare time. But like I said earlier on, Appcoiner is not what it seems.

It’s somewhat of a bait and switch situation to get you to buy into something else. Not everything they say is an outright lie, but they’ve certainly bent the truth a lot to suit themselves.


What Appcoiner Is REALLY Selling You!

Appcoiner is a con job, to tell you the truth. Yes, you technically do “review” apps, but they don’t pay you for it and neither do the app developers.

In fact, none of these app developers will even know you exist let alone pay you up to $30 to test out their apps and write reviews on them.

You certainly wouldn’t first need to pay a fee to access paying jobs. Sites that operate that way are generally free for the “workers” to join.

So what is Appcoiner trying to sell us then?

Training and an online business.

To be more specific, training in affiliate marketing.

Now while there’s nothing wrong with selling some affiliate marketing training, there is when the seller is not being honest about it and hides behind a facade of something else entirely.

If you pay to join Appcoiner, there won’t be any paid app testing gigs. Instead you’ll be shown how to build an affiliate marketing website and fill it with written and/or video content.

What type of content?

Well, this is where the app reviews do come into play. You download apps, write detailed reviews of them on your website, then hope to earn money if someone reads your review, clicks through on your affiliate link and buys the app.

That’s when you get paid. When an app is sold and you earn a commission for the referral.

This is how it really works:

  • Join Appcoiner
  • Create an affiliate site
  • Select apps to review
  • Write reviews on them on your website
  • Get your affiliate link from Appcoiner
  • Put the links in your reviews
  • Get traffic to your website (free or paid)
  • Make a commission when an app is purchased through your affiliate link




This is like regular affiliate marketing, which is fine, so I’m not sure why the creators of Appcoiner felt the need to portray their offer as something different.

But they have and it’s not right.

Nowhere on their website do they give any indication that they’re selling affiliate marketing training. All they talk about is app developers paying you to review their apps.

Now this is kind of true in a round about sort of way, but Appcoiner makes out like there are paid review jobs on their site waiting for us to get involved in.

That part is definitely not the truth.

Appcoiner also makes out like it’s a simple way for people to earn some extra coin reviewing apps, when in actual fact you’ll be setting up your own little online affiliate marketing business, which is really a few steps up.

Affiliate marketing is definitely worth doing, but not the Appcoiner way.

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The Website You Create Is NOT Yours

The website you create is only a subdomain of Appcoiner, meaning they actually own and control your website. To own your own website, you have to purchase your own top level domain name.

Being a subdomain of Appcoiner effectively means they could close down your website any time they like. You’d lose all the work you put into it.

Subdomains really are not a good idea from a business point of view.

Another thing to consider with actually owning your website with your own domain name, is it’s a sellable commodity. Build it up and sell it like any other type of business. You can’t sell a subdomain.


Target Market

I guess this is really aimed at people looking for an easy way to make some extra money online in their spare time. The sales pitch makes it sound so simple that it’ll likely suck in a lot of people who won’t realise what they’re really buying into.

No one will be making money instantly by getting paid to test and review any apps, that’s for sure.


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What I Like

  • Affiliate marketing is real and you can make money writing reviews
  • The price of this isn’t expensive
  • This is sold through ClickBank, so there is a 60 day money back guarantee


What I Don’t Like and Red Flags

  • The website you create is only a subdomain of Appcoiner
  • There are upsells to purchase
  • They never state they’re selling training to build an affiliate marketing business
  • There are no paying jobs on their platform to review apps
  • This website is all smoke and mirrors and bait and switch
  • It’s really one big con to get you to buy their training
  • We are constantly being lied to in the video and in the site’s content
  • They don’t seem to really teach how to get that all-important traffic to your website. Without traffic you can’t make money


How Much Does Appcoiner Really Cost?

As of this writing it costs $27 to join Appcoiner and do affiliate marketing training instead of getting paid to actually test apps for developers like they advertise.

Even if you did decide to buy in, they will have some upsells for you to purchase so you can actually complete the setup of your online app review business and website.

It’s not expensive, but it’s not as advertised either.


Appcoiner Logo


Is a Scam Or Legit?

Hmm, would I label this an outright scam?

In a way, yes, because of all the dishonesty going on.

The little affiliate marketing business they help you set up could indeed work, but why hide behind the guise of having some portal for app developers and testers to get together so you can get paid writing reviews on apps?

Why not just be honest and pitch us what they’ve really got?

Now while the affiliate marketing business side of this and the training may not be a scam and could make money, what they’re advertising is somewhat of a scam, because there are no app developers with paying jobs on their Appcoiner site, and there’s no direct way for you to simply get paid for writing and posting a review of an app on the App Store or wherever.

That’s all totally fake.

You’re free to check this one out if you like. Just know that it’s nothing like it’s advertised to be.


This Is How I Make Passive and Residual Income Online!

Lifestyle FreedomI can’t really recommend Appcoiner for obvious reasons, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t other ways to make money online. There are plenty.

One of my personal favourites – and how I generate most of my online income – is affiliate marketing. Kind of like what Appcoiner is really peddling, but done a far better way.

Millions of people everywhere, everyday, make great money doing what I do. It’s really not that hard if you first get the right training to show you how.

You get to work for yourself online from home, it’s very cheap to do (no bank roll required), and there’s no limit on how much you can earn. Do it part-time, fulltime or however you like.

The best part is all the residual and passive income streams affiliate marketing brings in over time. That’s the best type of income to have, because it gives you true lifestyle freedom.

If you can spare just a few minutes, I’ve written a complimentary make money online guide. You can take a look at it by hitting the banner below.


Make Real Money Online.


My guide explains how affiliate marketing works, how you can get started and just how simple the money making process really is. I also cover just a select few of the many benefits of having your very own online gig.

Within the guide I talk about some training I recommend to get you started. It’s the very training I did that showed me how to be successful. You can join for free and don’t need credit card details.

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